The scientific topics of the network focus on electrochemical energy storage (batteries and supercapacitors) and the entire hydrogen energy chain (hydrogen production, storage and conversion). It targets maritime-related applications: ship propulsion and off-grid energy systems adapted to islands, coastal areas and remote isolated regions. The activities of the IRN-FACES started in January 2020.
French Labs:
ICMCB (CNRS UMR 5026) Université de Bordeaux: Electrode Materials for Lithium-and Sodium-ion Batteries and Supercapacitors
IMN (CNRS UMR 6502) Université de Nantes: Electrochemical Energy Storage and Transformation
ICMPE (CNRS UMR 7182) Institut de Chimie et des Matériaux Paris-Est: Investigation of alternative Li(Na)-ion batteries materials
IMS (CNRS UMR5218) Bordeaux: Toward Reliability of Electrochemical Energy Storage Systems
AMPERE (UMR CNRS 5005) Lyon: Dependable electrical energy storage systems
Australian Labs:
Deakin University Institute for Frontier Materials: Battery technologies for future energy storage
The University of New South Wales School of Chemistry and School of Chemical Engineering: Batteries: Materials & Devices
University of South Australia Future Industries Institute: Materials ans Manufacturing for Energy Storage
Flinders University Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology: Capabilities
French Labs:​
ICMPE, CNRS (UMR7182), Université Paris-Est Créteil: Key materials for reversible hydrogen storage
FEMTO-ST, CNRS (UMR6174), Université de Franche-Comté, ENSMM, Univ. T. Belfort-Montbéliard: Integration of hydrogen-energy systems
IMN, CNRS (UMR6502), Université de Nantes: Materials for High Temperature Fuel Cells & Electrolysers
ICMCB, CNRS (UMR5026), Université de Bordeaux: Fuel Cells and Hydrogen
LAPLACE, CNRS (UMR5213) Toulouse: Study of Hydrogen Technologies for electrical energy production and storage
Australian Labs:
University of New South Wales
School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications: Nonlinear Control Theory Enabling Future Power Grids
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering: Atomic simulations of energy materials degradation
School of Materials Science and Engineering: Energy and Functional Materials Research Modelling
School of Chemical Engineering: Materials and R&D translation for the H2 Economy
Deakin University The Institute for Frontier Materials and the Hycel Hydrogen Transition Centre: Hydrogen Fuel Cells from Materials to Deployment
University of Sydney MERLin: Materials and R&D translation for the H2 Economy
Flinders Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology: Capabilities