Summer school in bioinformatics and biostatistics - Génopole - Paris
Genopole and its institutional partners are launching a summer school in bioinformatics and biostatistics for medical genomics for the third year in a row.
Genopole is the France’s leading biocluster for biotechnologies and research in genomics and genetics, it unites innovative high-tech life sciences companies, public and private research and higher education facilities at a single site just south of Paris.
This cluster regroups 87 biotech companies, 17 academic research laboratories, over 115’000 m2 of real estate accounting for 2400 jobs!
The course is intended for researchers, engineers and PhD students and post-docs already involved in or planning to start their research projects in the field of genomics for medical research. Practical session and talk will be given by world leading experts from French and international institutions (University of Maryland, CEA, INRA, University Paris-Saclay, CNRS and Institute Curie).
More information below: