The French Australian Review -ISFAR

The Institute for the Study of French-Australian Relations (ISFAR) was founded in 1985. ISFAR conducts research and serves as a resource centre in all areas of French-Australian relations – historical as well as contemporary – in the sciences and technology as well as in the humanities.
It is open to receiving articles on the social and cultural, scientific, political and economic, the contemporary as well as historical, including literature, the arts, popular culture, mutual perceptions at a distance, migration, science, the Francophone world and comparative studies.
Latest issue of The French Australian Review
The Institute for the Study of French-Australian Relations is proud to release its latest issue of The French Australian Review. It includes two introductory articles "AUKUS and its aftermath", and "Australia's Love-Hate relation with the French in the last Two Centuries", as well as double refereed articles, documents, notes and reviews on topics spanning from history and archaeology to art, culture and religion, and from Brittany to the Pacific.
Upcoming ISFAR Symposium
The Institute is also delighted to invite you to its Upcoming ISFAR Symposium to be held online on 13–14 April. The Symposium includes sessions on a wide range of French-Australian topics: the representation of Indigenous Australians in French children's books; sport; socio-cultural political misunderstandings; families and individuals who acted as "cultural brokers" between the two nations; the influence of French cuisine and much more.
Link to full programme:
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