The sky's no limit: women in health science
Supporting gender equity and equal career opportunities in science is a commitment for both Australia and France. In the context of the Australian Science week, the AFRAN community on health and medical sciences organised an event dedicated to discuss the similarities and differences in challenges encountered by women in their scientific careers in Australia and in France, where the structure and organisation of the research and funding landscapes are significantly different. Through this event, AFRAN aimed to point out aspects where each country can learn from the other in regards to facilitating women’s scientific careers at any level.
Watch the recording of the discussion with top Australian and French scientists including an astronaut!
Listen to the interviews of Prof Frédéric Hollande, organiser of this event, and of the panelist Dr Madge Martin on SBS Radio
This event was part of the Global Health Film Festival in Australia
the PowerHouse Sydney Science Festival
as well as the National Science Week
5pm - Opening speech
5.30pm - Panel discussion
6.45pm - Cocktail
7.30pm - Film screening
MARIE CURIE: the courage of knowledge by Marie-Noël Sehr, 2016
How is gender equity supported in health science in Australia and in France?