The aim of this community is to grow the French-Australian scientific collaboration in the energy and materials science domains. Strong collaborations are underway in the areas of solar energy, electrochemical energy storage and hydrogen technologies including grid technologies, training and education.​
Our target is to facilitate the emergence of small and intermediary energy systems, their management in stand-alone locations (islands and remote areas) and/or integrated in the form of micro-grids.​
Learn more about:
the French-Australian Research Network on Conversion and Energy Storage (FACES), the International Research Network on energy materials and integrated systems for electrochemical storage and hydrogen energy
the French-Australian Centre for Energy Transition (FACET), an innovative initiative, unveiled by the Ministries for Foreign Affairs of both France and Australia, supported by key research and academic founding members including Swinburne University of Technology, the French research and innovation centre CEA, and Université Grenoble-Alpes.

Francois is Professor of Chemistry at the University of Sydney, where he leads the MERLin (Materials Energy Research Laboratory in nanoscale) group– School of Chemistry and with 20 years experience, he is one of the leading experts in hydrogen technologies. He is Director of the Australian Association for Hydrogen Energy, Co-director of the Australian-French Research Network FACES and the ARC Training Centre for Hydrogen GlobH2E, and Chief Investigator of Hy-Supply. He is also the President and CTO of H2potential.
Francois holds 3 master degrees, in Physics, Physical Chemistry, and Material Science, a PhD in heterogeneous catalysis and had several international experience in Australia, Germany, UK.
Francois has developed several world first including hydrogen bikes and BBQ.
Fermin obtained his PhD in Physics at Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain. After postdoctoral training at MPI Metals Research, Germany and CNRS-ICMPE-East-Paris Institute of Chemistry and Materials, France, he got in 2002 a permanent research position at CNRS-ICMPE.
Fermin is currently head of the Interaction of Hydrogen and Matter group at ICMPE, co-head of the Storage axis at the French Research Network on Hydrogen Energy, and co-director of the French-Australian International Research Network on Conversion and Energy Storage IRN-FACES.
His main research activities are focused on intermetallics, composites and complex hydrides for solid state hydrogen storage as well as their functional properties as electrode and electrolyte materials for Ni-MH and Li-ion batteries.