ALUMNI Community Leaders
The AFRAN Alumni Community is the bilateral French-Australian network of current or former students who have benefited from an international experience between France and Australia. Its missions are to create opportunities for members involved in the bilateral relationship, and to ensure the continued development of the community by promoting student exchanges and academic experiences in the two countries. It keeps its members connected, informed and involved.
As part of AFRAN, members benefit from the exclusive news, grants and opportunities available to the Franco-Australian research sector and can also join the different AFRAN scientific communities. This community is also supported by the Campus France Australia agency, a branch of the French public institution in charge of promoting higher education worldwide and managing the mobility of students and researchers.
The network is coordinated by the Alumni Community Leaders, who assist in organising events for members and for current or potential students who wish to undertake studies, research or a professional experience in France and in Australia.
ACT Community
Tuckwell scholar studying a Bachelor of Environment and Sustainability and a Bachelor of International Relations at ANU.
Completed an exchange at the Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines with the Nicolas Baudin Scholarship.

VIC Community
Studied a dual degree Law/Commerce at the University of Queensland and a Diploma of Languages majoring in French. Alumnus of Sciences Po Paris.
Previously the AFRAN Alumni Leader in Brisbane.

SA Community
Studying a Double Degree in Law and Legal Practice and International Relations and Political Science at Flinders University in South Australia. Completed a virtual internship with the Universite de Bretagne Occidental through the Nicolas Baudin Internships in France Initiative.

Position Available
WA Community
Are you based in WA? If you are interested in creating links between France and Australia and furthering cooperation in science and education, this position is for you! Apply today at
QLD Community
Currently living and working professionally in Brisbane after an exchange in French and Economics at Sciences Po with the University of Queensland.
Pacific Community
Co-Founder of Pacific-Australia Youth Association. Undertook study at Université de la Nouvelle-Calédonie and internships in Nouméa with the New Colombo Plan Scholarship. Dominic has also worked in France as an English Language Assistant and implemented youth projects across France, Wallis and Futuna, French Polynesia and New Caledonia.

France Community
Currently living in France and representing the community of Australian students for AFRAN events.

NSW Community
Holding two PhDs in Industrial Engineering and Information Systems, he is currently affiliated with the University of Technology Sydney. He collaborated with Université de Lorraine in France through the Nicolas Baudin Internships in France Initiative.
Position available
NT Community
Are you based in NT? If you are interested in creating links between France and Australia and furthering cooperation in science and education, this position is for you! Apply today at

Position Available
IO Community
Are you based in Australia? If you are interested in creating links between France in the Indian Ocean and Australia and furthering cooperation in science and education, this position is for you! Apply today at