Call for participation to the Numerical Wildfire Workshop 2021
Deadline for abstract submission: 15 October
Workshop: 15-19 November, Ajaccio
More frequent occurrence of large wildfire events is a major public safety concern, as is their possible increase with climate change. Advances across a broad range of scientific disciplines can help predict the outcomes, guide decision support, and therefore help to mitigate losses from large wildfires. In particular, we note the availability of large computing facilities and new observation systems that can enhance our ability to estimate and forecast wildfire.
The Numerical Wildfire 2021 workshop is specifically focused on this topic, gathering scientists to synthesize approaches that can provide pragmatic answers to current problems with tools that can be made available rapidly- i.e. within 1-2 years - to decision makers.
A 2 to 4 pages extended abstract (1000 to 2000 words) including a 300 words abstract must be sent to (economics related) or (physics related)
- Authors are encouraged to send abstract as early as possible, deadline for the submission of abstract : October 15th, 2021 .
- Acceptance/Rejection : October 20th 2021 or earlier (hopefully one week after submission).
Additional information:
- No registration fees ! but participants must pay for their travel, food and lodging at IESC. The lodging is on-site at very affordable price and travel to Ajaccio is frequent from major European capitals (all covered for invited speakers).