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From underground to the canopy: Meeting between archaeology and botany

Dialogue between present and past environments

Linking archeology and botany is called « archeobotany » : a science which studies the remains of plants found during archeologic searches to understand the relationship between ancient societies and their environment.

In Oceania, in Vanuatu, archeobotany is particularly interesting, because ancient societies lived in a specific and remote environment, islands, which makes the relationship with their surroundings even more relevant and complex.

The aim of this study day is to learn more about archeobotany-especially in Vanuatu-by linking both archeology and botany. These two disciplines can start a dialogue between the past and the present, because archeology is based on the works and botanic resources of today to better understand the remains of environmental data.

On the afternoon of the 20th of June, a workshop will be open to botanists, ethnobotanists, fieldworkers and archeologists from Vanuatu.

This workshop is supported by the 2022 AFRAN initiatives.

The aim is to start a dialogue between the two fields, insisting on the benefits of archeobotanic studies and the methods they use. The evening will be dedicated to a series of conference for the general public, organized by the Friends of the National Museum of Vanuatu association and the Vanuatu Cultural Center.

A restitution of the workshop will be presented, to make botanic and archeological works in Vanuatu known.

Presenter: Julien Ponchelet, University of Paris Date: 20th June 2023 Venue: Vanuatu National Museum of Vanuatu Time: 6.00pm There will be drinks available for purchase. All proceeds to go to the Friends of the National Museum to benefit the Vanuatu Cultural Centre. Please donate generously to the Friends!


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