Le STUDIUM Visiting Researcher Program
Deadline for submission of applications is set on 16th February 2022 at 5:00pm (CET Paris time).
LE STUDIUM VISITING RESEARCHER award is an opportunity for senior scientists on leave from their institution to integrate for a period between 3 and 12 months into a high level laboratory in the Centre-Val de Loire region (France) and the LE STUDIUM international faculty. Experienced international researchers are eligible to submit an application after having negotiated their acceptance to a host laboratory and/or host enterprise in the Centre-Val de Loire region.
This programme supports the visiting researcher and his/her family to settle in the region (accommodation, logistics, administrative support, but not the salary). This programme is also very suitable for researchers holding an Individual Fellowship (like Full Bright, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship, etc) willing to perform the fellowship in the region in best conditions.
This visiting researcher award is available for the arrival of the applicant researcher between 1st September 2022 and 30th June 2023.