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Panel discussion: How the arts can change your life - decoding minds, emotions & desires

Join us at James Makin Gallery on Sunday 28 November 2.30-4.30 pm for an art and fiction discussion to celebrate the launch of The Rise of the Australian Neurohumanities (Routledge) by Jean-François Vernay.

As humans we are driven by our emotions and desires and hardly think twice about how our brain is influencing our choices on a daily basis. Visual arts and fiction allow us to negotiate our relationship with the world and ourselves, and enable us to take a peak inside our impenetrable brains.

Come and engage with an artist, a critic, a neuroscientist, a curator, and a creative writer to discuss feelings, yearning, ways of thinking, aesthetic representations, slices of life, matters of the heart and transparent minds.

Special guests:

Moderator Chris Ringrose, Creative Lives: Conversations with Contemporary South Asian Diasporic Writers (Columbia University Press)

James Makin Gallery Artist (TBC)

Critic Jean-François Vernay (Neurocognitive Interpretations of Australian Literature, Routledge Focus)

Neuroscientist Professor Mark Williams (Macquarie University)

Curator Evelyn Tsitas (Future U, RMIT Gallery)

Author Antoni Jach (Travelling Companions, Transit Lounge)

Venue James Makin Gallery,89 Islington St, Collingwood VIC 3066

Event date Sunday 28 November

Event time 2.30-4.30 pm

(RSVP is strictly required for attendance)

NOTE ALL guests must check in and have proof of double vaccination. This is non-negotiable.

Further details of James Makin Gallery COVIDconsiderations can be found at:


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