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10 PhD positions on Environment & Energy Science in France

Through this third Call for Projects CALL#3, the Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA), France, via its EDENE programm, will allow 10 excellent researchers to develop their talent beyond the Master's degree, through a project of their choice, while being integrated in the best teams of the UPPA. Motivated candidates are invited to define their own research project in collaboration with their host unit at the UPPA.

Fellowships are open to highly-qualified graduates from all fields of energy and the environment. UPPA wants to attract candidates who stand out for their scientific excellence and to whom they will offer scientific challenges that meet their expectations.

Eligibility criteria

  • Citizens of all nationalities are eligible to apply. WARNING: applicants must not have resided or carried out their main activity in France for more than 12 months in the 3 years preceding the PhD start date (1st September 2023) (supporting documents requested)

  • Entrance requirements: candidates must hold a Master 2’ s degree (or equivalent degree) with outstanding records

  • English language requirements: non-native speakers of English are required to provide proof of linguistic proficiency

  • Required competencies: Applicants are expected to show outstanding commitment connected to the research priorities of the laboratories.

Selection Process

  • 1st step: Candidates have to contact the Research Laboratories from the UPPA in their field of interest, in order to find a supervisor and prepare their Research project (

  • 2nd step: before the call deadline in March 2023, applicants must submit their Research project, previously reviewed with the host laboratory, on the E2S UPPA online platform

  • 3rd step: candidates will be selected on the basis of the quality of their curriculum and the relevance of their project proposal. The selection of the best candidates will be carried out by committees involved in the different stages of the process

  • Interview – the best-ranked proposals will be short-listed (up to 40) for interviews; the candidate will be invited to defend her/his project in front of the selection committee

More information following this GUIDE FOR APPLICANTS


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