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Initial projects to extend Black Summer insights

The first round of research projects from Natural Hazards Research Australia (the Centre) gives a fresh boost of funding to research that will strengthen natural hazard resilience and disaster risk reduction across Australia, New Zealand and globally.

While the Centre has been busy finalising its research priorities that will guide future rounds of research, a first round of nine new projects has commenced to meet the Australian Government's requirements for funding the Centre. The funding of these new projects ensures that natural hazards research activities can continue while the broader research priorities and program are developed.

The projects in this initial round both extend research and support the utilisation of findings from the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC’s Black Summer research program, funded through the Australian Government in 2020. For the projects that are not extensions, these address more urgent research needs and issues raised by recommendations from the 2020 Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements, the 2020 NSW Independant Bushfire Inquiry and by stakeholders during the Centre’s research priority scoping workshops in August 2021.

The projects are:


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