Job offer | Computational biologist in single cell OMICS applied to immune-oncology

The CISTAR Laboratory ("Cancer Immune Surveillance and Therapeutic tARgeting") is seeking a highly motivated and scientifically driven computational biologist/bioinformatician who will bring his/her expertise to contribute to the efforts of the team in identifying key immune surveillance pathways and immune escape mechanisms operating in tumors. The successful candidate will take the lead of a project that aims to identify novel immunosurveillance pathways by performing a comprehensive comparison of tumors from patients with aparaneoplastic neurological syndrome (PNS) and conventional non-PNS tumors through computational analysis of single cell RNA-sequencing data of immune cells, tumor cells and stromal cells, antigen
receptor sequencing data and of spatial data of the tumor immune contexture based on multispectral
immunofluorescence tissue imaging.
Contract: 2 years with possible extension to 3 years.
Application deadline: 1rst of June 2022
Location: CRCL-Cancer Research Center of Lyon, France