Remote collaboration for the analysis of complex 3D data usingVirtual Reality
The first workshop on remote collaboration for the analysis of complex 3D data using Virtual Reality, will take place on:
Tuesday 13 December 2022 starting at 8am (GMT+1).
Zoom link for the session:
This series of workshops will gather a community of researchers on Human-Computer Interaction, 3D visualisation, Virtual Reality and domain specialists such as airspace researchers and medical practitioners. We will explore the possibilities of leveraging immersive collaboration with Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality technology to support the collaborative analysis of complex aviation and medical data. However, this initiative is open to other fields in which data analytics supported by advanced visualisation technology would be of benefit.
During this first session we will:
Introduce the aims of this workshop
Have a series of short presentations from key domain researchers and users (you will receive an individual email shortly to prepare a 3 mins lighting talk to discuss your problems with 3D visualisations and collaboration)
Gather scenarios on the topic of remote collaboration for complex visualisation and analytics of 3D data (medical and air-space related)
This will be a great opportunity to build a strong community on this topic!