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Tenure-track position on new materials for hydrogen storage at Institute of Chemistry and Material

The East Paris Institute of Chemistry and Materials (ICMPE, UMR 7182 UPEC/CNRS) is offering a position as a Junior Professor Chair (tenure-track position), on the topic of solid hydrogen storage.

Position : Temporary Assistant Professor (5 years) intended for tenure as University Professor

Section CNU : 33. Chemistry of Materials

Profile for publication : Chemistry, Solid-State Hydrogen storage

Profile for publication (EURAXESS) : Chemistry

Localisation : UPEC-FST-Créteil (teaching activity) / ICMPE-Thiais (research activity)

Teaching description

The recruited person will join the teaching team of the Chemistry & Geosciences disciplinary field of the Faculty of Science and Technology of UPEC (, to ensure teaching and pedagogical responsibilities. The recruited person will participate in the chemistry education of the various Bachelor's degrees and as part of the Master's in Materials Science and Engineering. The recruited person should be a driving force in developing the current training offer, by proposing the opening of new courses directly linked to low carbon energy transition.

Teaching duties: 42 hours of lectures or 64 hours of practical or tutorial work

Research activity description

The recruited person will be part of the Metallurgy and Inorganic Materials department of ICMPE within the Hydrogen Matter Interaction research group ( The recruited person will carry out experimental research activities in the field of solid-state chemistry and/or materials science comprising the synthesis of materials for hydrogen storage and the establishment of correlations between composition-structure-properties. These research activities will target the study of metal hydrides or complex hydrides or porous materials and/or metal/porous nanocomposites for reversible storage of hydrogen. This experimental work will be carried out in close collaboration with ICMPE chemists and theorists.

Human and financial resources: ANR is co-funding 200,000 € which includes €120,000 for funding a doctoral or post-doctoral student and other related costs of the project.

Candidate’s profile

The recruited person will have at least two years of experience at a postdoctoral level (Recognised Researcher) with a solid background in solid state chemistry or materials science and proven experience in the field of materials for hydrogen storage. This should be reflected in a substantial number of publications and participation in international conferences in the field. The recruited person must be able to manage research activities, conduct national and international research projects and supervise young researchers. The recruited person must be fluent in English and have at least basic knowledge of French with the wish to master this language in the near future. The ecruited person must demonstrate aptitudes for teamwork.

Provisional recruitment schedule

April-May 2022: Publication of call for applications and hearing of candidates

June 2022: Signature of the pre-tenure contract

September-October 2022: start of the position


Minimum salary: gross monthly salary of 3444 €/month


Interested candidates should send a Curriculum Vitae (maximum 2 pages) accompanied by a short motivational letter to both:

Claudia Zlotea ( and Fermin Cuevas (


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