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UniSA is hosting the International Space Hackaton "ActInSpace"!

The opening of the ActInSpace 2020 event at the ICC.

The 5th edition of this international innovation contest initiated by the French Space agency CNES will be held on 18th & 19th of November 2022. In Australia, it is the University of South Australia's Innovation & Collaboration Centre (ICC) in Adelaide that will once again be hosting ActInSpace.

Participation in the competition is open to business creators, students, researchers, entrepreneurs, associations, companies, developers, users, job seekers, designers and space experts. Together they will form teams to take up, in 24 hours, one of the challenges to be proposed by the organisers. It is necessary that the participants are adults to be able to atend the international finals in France.

The competition is open to teams of two to five people including:

  • adult individuals having an activity or residing in the country of one of the organiser sites (business creators, students, researchers, developers, users, designers and space experts, job seekers, etc.)

  • and/or private law legal entities (associations, companies), represented by an individual delegated to participate in this competition, with no limitation as to nationality.

For more information, visit the ActInSpace website and the UniSA website.


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