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SAVE the DATE: AFRAN roundtable on Artificial Intelligence

AFRAN is inviting an outstanding French scientist in social robotics, A/Prof. Véronique Aubergé. A roundtable on Artificial Intelligence, ethics and human/machine interactions is organised in Canberra, and public lectures will follow in Melbourne and/or Brisbane.

AI Roundtable:

When: November 29, 2018, 10.30 am-4.00 pm

Where: Australian National University,Centre for European Studies

1, Liversidge Street CANBERRA

Our guest speaker, Véronique Aubergé:

Associate Professor at the University of Grenoble-Alpes (UGA), affiliated to the CNRS LIG Lab (Computer Sciences Lab at Grenoble, France), Véronique is an outstanding French scientist in social robotics. She both heads the Domus Living Lab platform at LIG and the Robo’Ethics Chair at Grenoble National Polytechnics Institute. She has a PhD in Language Sciences and in Computer Sciences. She was a research engineer at the French Company OROS, and a researcher at ICP Lab and then at GIPSA Lab until 2012, where she developed cognitive models, experiments and applications in phonetics, prosody and expressive text-to speech synthesis. At LIG Lab, she focuses on social robotics as instruments to observe and to design models on the human interactional behaviors. She develops co-construction methods for experimenting in Living Lab some real life socio-damaged situations (elderly, children at hospital), for which the robot could be a transitory aid in ethical issues. In particular she is implied in the LIG robotic Social-Touch-RobAir platform developed within the LIG fablab, and in Emox (Awabot Inc) and Diya One (Partnering Robotics Inc.) robots.

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