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Research School on Statistics and Data Science 2019

Institute for Advance Study, La Trobe University

24–26 July, 2019

Deadline for paper submissions: 31 May, 2019

Deadline for registration: 17 July, 2019

The Research School on Statistics and Data Science 2019 (RSSDS2019) provides a series of workshops and papers delivered by experienced academic and industry members on the cutting edge statistics and data science applications and theory.

Statistics, Data Science, and allied fields such as AI and Machine Learning are rapidly growing, and the improvement of data analysis and enrichment will enable individuals to make world changing developments.

The workshops at RSSDS2019 will empower current and upcoming data scientists (and enthusiasts) with new knowledge, understanding and exploration into many varied and interesting data domains, alongside the opportunity to network with

many others involved at various levels in the exciting data science scene.

Attendees wishing to present a poster and submit a paper for the workshop: proceedings can be found here.