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Bordeaux Summer School - MAterials to Technologies for advanced Energy Storages (MATES)

July 4th – July 8th, 2022

This summer school is organized within the framework of collaborations between the University of Bordeaux, the French-Australian research networkon Conversion and Energy Storage for stand-alone and maritime applications (IRN-FACES), and the Québec Center for Advanced Materials (QCAM).

Research in the field of renewable energies has greatly intensified due to decreasing fossil energy resources and an increase in greenhouse gas concentration (in particular carbon dioxide).

Throughout this summer school, the problems linked to the collection of renewable energies (photovoltaic, wind, etc.), their transformation (hydrogen production, etc.) and their storage (supercapacitors, batteries, etc.) will be analyzed.

Issues related to the systems needing to be implemented for such procedures with renewable energies will also be covered.


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