Call for PhD applications
EXTENDED DEADLINE: January 28, 2021 - 4pm CET

EuReCa (Europe Research & Care) is Institut Curie’s international PhD Program which provides PhD students with an excellent interdisciplinary, inter-sectorial, and international training. It includes a personalized career development plan, coaching, mentoring and the possibility of undertaking secondments in partners' institutions.
EuReCa PhD fellows will carry out research in a vibrant environment based on the pluri-disciplinary approaches and excellence offered by over 85 research groups comprising Institut Curie’s 12 research departments grouped into 4 domains and a translational department:
Biology & Chemistry of Radiations, Cell Signaling & Cancer
Biology, Cancer, Genetics & Epigenetics
Integrative Tumour Biology, Immunology & Environment
Multiscale Physics-Biology-Chemistry
Translational Research