Tsuha Global Fellows Program
Deadline for application: 1st September 2021
The Tsuha Global Fellows Program at The University of Western Australia (UWA), Perth, seeks to support the next generation of leaders from low- and middle-income countries. The Program will provide successful applicants with targeted educational, mentorship and networking opportunities to implement projects in their home country related to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
To be eligible for the Program, Fellows must have: i) completed an undergraduate degree; ii) demonstrated written and verbal English proficiency; and iii) demonstrated success in their current work. Applications to the program must include an actionable project which holds the potential to lead to meaningful change in their home country.
Fellowship funds:
Costs associated with a Fellow's participation will be covered by the Tsuha Global Fellows Program. Costs include, but are not limited to: Travel expenses
Coursework fees Due to COVID-19, coursework, training and meetings may be held virtually until it is safe and appropriate to travel and meet in person.
Please submit: A copy of your current CV (2 pages maximum); and A short supporting statement (1 page maximum, single spaced, 11 point font) which addresses three questions: 1. Which of the UWA academic staff members listed above would you like to work with, and why? 2. What is the concrete idea or project that you want to develop through the UWA Tsuha Global Fellows Program? 3. What positive impact would you expect from the realisation of your idea through your leadership in your home country? Successful applicants in the first round of consideration will be invited to an online video interview for further consideration.
Application Submissions and Enquiries Please submit your application or direct any further enquiries to:
Leah Cronn, J.D. Adjunct Lecturer School of Population and Global Health The University of Western Australia Email: leah.cronn@uwa.edu.au