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5 open-access podcasts from the funeral oration conference
The Athenian Funeral Oration: 40 Years after Nicole Loraux 9-11 July 2018 This international conference took place at the University of...

Internatinal Symposium of Aromatic, Medicinal & Cosmetic Plants - Nature and Culture: from knowl
From 19 to 23 November 2018 in Tahiti. France holds a very special place through its overseas territories comprising 80% of its...

French-Australian Forum on Policy Analytics
The French-Australian Forum on Policy Analytics was held on 10-12 September in Paris at the Université Paris Dauphine. It focussed on the...

September CNRS Newsletter
You can find the September CNRS newsletter on this link

The International Associated Laboratory CANECEV awarded with two research grants!
The International Associated Laboratory CANECEV, signed off by the French president Emmanuel Macron at the occasion of his visit in...

7 laureates for the AFRAN Call for initiatives 2018!
The Australian-French Association for Research and Innovation (AFRAN) has awarded $25,000 in grants to support member-led collaborative...

Climate Change and satellites
Thales Alenia Space gives us its review on the satellites use for climate change mitigation. Satellites data are playing a key role to...

Second call for projects “Fonds Pacifique”!
A second call for projects is launched this year by the permanent Secretariat for the Pacific, with the view to select projects...

INRIA: Associate teams 2019- call for proposals
INRIA, the French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control aims at encouraging international projects to develop...
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