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A french and Australian collaboration for the Robocup!

The RoboCup is an annual international robotics competition to promote robotics and artificial intelligence research. The competition is a wonderful opportunity to tackle scientific challenges, such as the development of interactive and incremental machine learning algorithms. The robots will be assessed while performing tasks that require efficient perception models, motion generation and planning.

Among the participants, a French-Australian team will present their robots. Their project, the ROBOCUP CROSSING project, takes place in the framework of the first Franco-Australian International Research Laboratory (IRL), gathering the University of Adelaide, the University of South Australia, Flinders University, Naval Group and the French Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). This IRL, called CROSSING, for frenCh austRalian labOratory for humanS / autonomouS agents teamING, is dedicated to artificial intelligence and Human-machine interactions.

The ROBOCUP CROSSING project provides a first opportunity to gather all partners’ competences in the context of this RoboCup competition. The team is focusing on two leagues: roboCup “soccer” and roboCup “@Home”. The RoboCup « Soccer » competition is a soccer game with robots in interaction with robots, with the goal to play the game of soccer against humans by the year 2050. RoboCup « @HOME » competition, will assess robots in interaction with humans, with the goal to develop robotic services to help and interact with humans at home, including dependent persons. The Robocup Crossing project’s goal is to tackle scientific and technologic challenges with their soccer robots NAO, and their home robots PEPPER, through exchanges between staff and sharing of equipment.

Video of the domestic robot Pepper:

Robocup, 22-28 june 2021:


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